Pre-primary Education is for children from 2 to 6 years old. This stage is followed by the first two years of Primary Education, and the content of this entire stage together has the same approach and a logical sequence. We call this first stage of education Sendotu. It mainly involves consolidating the basic fundamental skills and abilities for a person’s future success: social, emotional, linguistic, sensory, motor and thinking skills.
Conciliation is tough and often unsatisfying. To address this problem we have special services for the youngest children.
Apart from the ordinary school calendar, there is also a special school calendar and timetable for Pre-Primary students (additional and complementing the ordinary one). This complementary service consists of a special calendar available to all these students during the school year (except for official holidays and long weekends), and a special timetable, from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
The main aim of this is to allow the families and the children to acclimatise together in an affective, calm, protected, safe, progressive way. Following the educators’ recommendations, the families can get involved in their child’s play, study the setting together and observe and analyse the child’s acclimatisation and behaviour.
Lauaxeta Ikastola is a Basque-speaking centre, and although it accepts children from families with other native languages it is fully committed to the students’ Basquisation and the values of the Basque identity. From the time the students begin to attend the ikastola school they are given a deep immersion in the Basque language.
Those whose have Basque as their native tongue will improve their language skills, while the others will get the opportunity to develop the essential level of understanding and speaking for their schooling. They will also take part in activities and initiatives connected with our identity: Korrika Txiki, Euskaraldia, Euskara eguna…
The aim of this method is to create spaces encouraging learning processes based on the acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills. It consists of a rotary system of «interrelated areas» in which the students follow a route involving different materials and different levels of progression with regard to their independence, freedom and control. The route consists of 4 areas, each with its own learning style:
Children get to know and understand their surrounding environment by testing things out with their senses (touching, smelling, tasting, listening) and, particularly, by feeling. It is therefore essential to give them the chance to experience moments and places that will stimulate them in this regard. Our students can access and enjoy the magic of the Sensory Room throughout the whole of their Pre-Primary Education.
We want our students to be happy, and to achieve that they have to develop skills such as self-esteem, self-regulation, courage and self-confidence, independence and optimism. We help them to develop these skills through:
Although we all have an innate creative capacity from childhood, our creative and divergent thinking is nurtured by finding stimulating opportunities in our immediate environment. At the ikastola the students have a variety of options and materials to creatively express their ideas:
People develop skills by doing, and this must be trained. But not all types of training are valid. Learning by trial and error is more efficient, and it is also motivating and fun. Materials in different formats (manipulables, board games, apps, robots) are therefore made available to the students for them to learn certain skills in a fun, independent way.
Effectively sharing your own ideas and feelings is not an easy task. It is therefore vital for there to be programmes where the students expressly work on their communication and linguistic skills, encouraging plurilingualism. They therefore have several options:
Ikerlari programme
This programme includes a series of projects connected with nature studies. The students make use of their research and exploration skills, forming hypotheses, collecting and analysing data and reflecting on the causes and influences of the natural forces and elements.
The school garden is a vital factor in this programme. It provides environmental education for the students, who learn to respect the environment and understand our relationship with nature.
We are committed to developing the psycho-social environment and the students have a specifically designed area for studying their own bodies and their physical capacities. As they do so, they interact with others and freely express their most basic emotions. From the age of four upwards, these open sessions are complemented by others for developing their physical capacities.
One of our main goals is to offer an array of opportunities, strategies and projects for the students to develop ethical, social and civic values and commitments from their early childhood onwards, gradually developing their identity in this regard.
In the weekly ethics and philosophy sessions, the students will thus develop ethical, solidarity-minded and cooperative thinking as they construct their own philosophical, ethical and critical thought.
Our reference points for this subject are:
Lauaxeta Ikastola covers the age range between 2 and 18, but we want to go a step further. We have therefore formed partnerships with different Pre-Primary Schools and Kindergartens, to cater to your needs from the start.
The main aim of these alliances is to collaborate with centres with a common basis and whose educational approach we share, to provide a joint offer to better respond to the families’ needs, with the following benefits: